Welcome back to Help For Today. We’re talking about goals this week. We’ve talked about separation, all the different areas of our goals, evaluation, examining ourselves, how we’re doing. Today, we’re going to talk about intention.
“You know, how do we set realistic goals? We may have the best intentions, but you know what? The best intentions never got the job done. The best intentions are great, but setting realistic goals for ourselves, you know, perhaps a weak area in our own life. I know for me personally, a weak area probably would have to be our grammar, right? And so I am not a great and fantastic orator or something of that nature, and grammar is not my specialty or my forte. Praise the Lord for spellcheck. Microsoft Word comes through in the clutch, and it’s great. But you know, we have to set realistic goals.”
“And so if we have an area of our life where we want to improve, it does not help to reach so, so far that it’s just so impossible, and then we just give up, you know, because it’s just realistic. Setting realistic goals helps us achieve the baby steps. You know, it takes in a super long journey, takes just one step at a time. If you take that very next step in your life, we are able to accomplish so much more than you think possible.”
“I remember in high school being on the basketball team, and I’ve definitely lost some skills since then in basketball, but we’ve had a great time. But when we were there in basketball in high school, you know, it was not a vast, vast improvement, major, major jumps and skill improvement. It’s always that one little thing at a time. Perhaps you work on your jump shot, or perhaps you work on your dribbling skills, or perhaps you work on your speed and your running. But it’s all these little areas we take little steps at a time.”
“Having great intentions is great, but setting realistic goals helps us accomplish what we want.”
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Luke Flood, Bus Director
Luke Flood serves on staff as the bus director and is responsible for seeing hundreds of people in church on a weekly basis. He is a true product of North Valley Baptist Church. Having grown up in a wonderful Christian family, he attended North Valley Baptist Schools from kindergarten through twelfth grade. After graduation, he attended Golden State Baptist College where he earned both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
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