We’re talking about goals this week on Helpful Today. Yesterday, we talked about separation. Today, we’re gonna talk about evaluation. “How are we doing?” You know, the Bible says in 2 Corinthians to examine ourselves, and that is for us to look at our own selves, how we are doing. “Those goals that we’ve set out to accomplish, how are we doing in them?” You know, it doesn’t give yourself, it does not help yourself in order to give yourself just an A plus all of the time.
Say, “I am doing great.” That’s what we wanna do, that’s what we want because everybody wants to have a good grade. I used to tell my parents all the time, you know mom, you know dad, when the report card would come in, you know, I used to say, “Oh, in order for some people to be above average, A plus, B plus, somebody’s gotta be average. You know, somebody’s gotta take the hit for everybody else.” But sometimes we have to examine ourselves.
How are we doing in those goals that we’ve set in all the different areas we talked about yesterday? Our evaluation, are you really doing well physically? Are you really doing great spiritually? Perhaps you’re average, and you know what? That’s okay. Okay, as long as you are honest about your evaluation, we can actually move forward.
But first, we have to be honest with ourselves and we have to examine ourselves and see how are we doing in our goals.
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Luke Flood, Bus Director
Luke Flood serves on staff as the bus director and is responsible for seeing hundreds of people in church on a weekly basis. He is a true product of North Valley Baptist Church. Having grown up in a wonderful Christian family, he attended North Valley Baptist Schools from kindergarten through twelfth grade. After graduation, he attended Golden State Baptist College where he earned both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
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