Welcome to Help For Today. Our scripture comes from Psalms 37 verse 4. The Bible says, “Delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” That word “delight” means to experience joy. We must experience joy in the presence of God and walking with Him. That is my challenge for you today. This verse has tremendously helped me being involved through high school, in college, and even right now. We must find joy in walking with God and praying and being involved and going to church and soul-winning and being around the work of the ministry.
Our greatest joy comes from walking closely with Him and aligning our desires with God’s will. When we truly delight in the Lord, our desires begin to align with His. Let’s make it a daily practice to experience joy in walking with God and aligning our desires with Him. It starts with the daily prayer, “Lord, help me to become what you want me to be.”
Let our hearts be continually filled with his joy and walk in his ways as we experience his amazing and abundant faithfulness in our lives.
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AJ Ermita, NVBS School Teacher
AJ Ermita joined North Valley Baptist School as a kindergartner and later graduated from there. He has since returned to teach a variety of classes, including a host of media classes.
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