Good morning. I’ve enjoyed my time here and the help for today. It’s been an honor and rare privilege, and again, I hope it’s been somewhat of a help. It’s helped me as well when I’ve taken time to meditate on all this in the portion of Proverbs.
I come to you today in the very last one, and who should we seek counsel from? You know, we’ve talked about the pastor, we’ve talked about the ancient, we’ve talked about parents, but most importantly on this last day, seek counsel and seek help from the Lord, from the counselor of all counselors, from Him who knows you best, from who knows you from head to toe, knows everything about you.
The Bible tells us in James chapter 4, verse 8, it says, “Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you.” It’s important that we draw nigh to God. You know, many times we expect God to be there all the time, but you know, the Bible tells us if we draw nigh to Him, He’ll draw nigh to us. We want help? Go to the Lord in prayer, all because we do not carry everything to Him in prayer. It’s very, very important.
He’s the Omega. He knows every hair that’s on our head, for those that do have hair left, right? But he knows us. He knows us better than anybody. He tells us that we’re very important even more than the sparrows in Matthew chapter 10. Have you sought help from the Lord? Have you sought wisdom from God? Solomon did. He asked for wisdom.
You know, it’s very important that we ask ourselves this question. Do we ask God? Do we ask God for help? Do you pray about your problems as much as you talk about your problems? It’s very important to make sure that we’re going to the one who’s created us. He knows everything. I hope you have a wonderful week.
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Caleb Galvan serves as North Valley Baptist Church’s pianist for services. He also teaches many music classes and gives personal piano lessons at Golden State Baptist College.
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