Good morning. Who can you seek counsel from? Who has the Lord placed in your life? Who are some people that you can turn to for advice and for help? Well, another good place to find help is your parents. Now, maybe you’re saying, “I’m well up in age,” but if you have, if your parents are living, they are. The Bible tells us regardless, we are to honor them, we are to obey them. You can honor them in many different ways. You know, the Bible tells us in Ephesians, it tells us that it’s important that we honor our parents. If we want to live a good long life, the Bible says that it may be well with thee. And I don’t know about you, but I want things to go well. And growing up, I can tell you from experience that it works out a lot easier if you obey your parents, if you honor them. And so I have a scripture here. It’s a little too long to read, but it’s in 1 Kings chapter 2, verses 1 through 4. And it’s David who’s charging Solomon, his son, encouraging him to stay in the paths of the Lord of righteousness and to continue, right? So that it may be well with him as well. And so Solomon could have taken the advice that his father had given him and just chucked it out the window.
But even as a king, as a future king, it was important that he was able to heed to his parents, to his father’s counsel. And it doesn’t matter what position you are in, but it’s important to remember that your parents can, and the Bible has told us that He will bless those that honor and obey their parents. Very, very important. I have children now, so I’m able to understand it a little bit better. But it’s also as a father, it’s important that I spend time with God as well. And I’m sure your parents, whether you’re a young teenager, a little bit older, myself, I still have my parents.
It’s important that I take time to remember them and to remember, “Hey, what would Dad do about this?” But it’s always important that you remember that your parents are there to also be your counselors in life as well.
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Caleb Galvan serves as North Valley Baptist Church’s pianist for services. He also teaches many music classes and gives personal piano lessons at Golden State Baptist College.
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