Hello, friends. Welcome to the very first day of January 2024, January 1st. This is gonna be a great year. A verse I want to give to you on this first day can be found over here in Psalm 65, verse 11. “Thou crownest the year with thy goodness and the paths drop fatness.” ‘Crownest’ means that God bestows. God showers down. God gives to us.
There are 365 days. I don’t know all that God’s going to give us. We might be given some sorrow. All of us will probably experience that. Some disappointment. Some betrayals. But nothing touches me, but that it’s first filtered through the hand of the Almighty God. And God will have a way of turning what we think is a curse into a blessing. Now God says, “I’m gonna crown the year.” In the word ‘crown,’ the root is like a crown that’s placed upon us. We walk around like kings and leaders. “Thou crownest the year with goodness.” I like that word ‘goodness.’ It means that, well, goodness. It’s happy. It’s pleasant. It’s reward. God is going to reward us this year. He rewards righteousness. “Righteousness exalted the nation with sin as reproach.” So may I speak to myself and to each of us today.
Let’s sow seeds of righteousness in this new year. If you have not yet done it this first day, commit this year to God in prayer. Ask God that He’ll use you greatly in 2024 and then get in the Word of God and read it and feed on it and study it and adhere to it and obey it and meditate upon it every day.
God bless you and happy new year.
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Pastor Trieber
Pastor Trieber has served as the pastor of the North Valley Baptist Church since March of 1976. He is also the President of Golden State Baptist College.
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