Overcoming the Tempter
Every child of God faces temptations by the devil. Even the Son of God faced temptations by the evil one. Here Pastor John Evertson shows us how we can have victory over Satan’s attacks by using the same method that Jesus used when He was tempted.
Gaining Ground for God
n any battle, you must take action in order to gain the victory. The Christian life is no exception. Winning the victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil requires action as Pastor John Evertson aptly reminds us in this article.
Bringing Forth Fruit
As a fruit tree will not produce to its fullest capability without periodic pruning, Pastor John Evertson reminds us that a Christian will not produce fruit to his fullest capability without God’s pruning in his life.
Are You Salty?
We hear a lot today about the dangers of using too much salt. However, in this article, Pastor John Evertson tells us when saltiness is actually a good thing.
Stepping in the Light
Does the weather sometimes hamper your ability to get outside and take a walk? Pastor John Evertson encourages us not to let the weather keep us from walking in the Light.
Productive Prayer
In prayer, we must remember that God’s delays are not God’s denials. The author gives us the secret ingredient to productive prayer in this article.
Paul’s Ministry Example
The life of the Apostle Paul is an incredible example that Christians can follow today of a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Not only did he write many of the New Testament books, but he also showed how a faithful Christian should run the race. The author gives us many ways we can look to Paul as a model for our lives.
Fishers of Men
Christ’s last act before His death, His last command, and His last prayer were all focused on one task. In this article, Pastor John Evertson looks at being a “Fisher of Men” through the eyes of a fisherman.
A Clean Stall or Great Increase?
Have you ever thought to yourself, “My life would be easier if I didn’t have to do (insert ministry here).”? Pastor Evertson shows us a different perspective that we can learn from Proverbs 14:4 on the subject of laboring.
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