Your First Love!
John Evertson highlights the significance of the local New Testament church in his life, from meeting his wife to finding his faith, and encourages viewers to prioritize their involvement in their church. #help4today
Trusting God in Difficult Times
I love Christmas. To think of our infinite God becoming an infant. And that first Christmas, Luke’s Gospel chapter 2, verse 4 says, “And Joseph also went up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth into Judea, under the city of David, which is…
Seek the Lord Every Day
In this video, John Evertson encourages viewers to seek the Lord daily, drawing inspiration from the Christmas story of the shepherds in Luke chapter 2. Reflecting on the shepherds’ journey to Bethlehem to see Jesus, he emphasizes the importance of pursuing a relationship with God through reading His Word and making Him a priority in our lives. #help4today
Obeying God’s Word
In this video, John Evertson reflects on Joseph’s obedience in the face of uncertainty surrounding Mary’s pregnancy, illustrating the power of meditation on the word of God and the peace that comes from obedience. #help4today
Yield to the Word of God
John Evertson reminds us of the importance of finding peace during the busy Christmas season by reflecting on Mary’s acceptance of God’s plan in Luke chapter one. Just like Mary found peace by yielding herself to the word of God, we too can experience peace by surrendering to His will this holiday season. #help4today
He’s Still on the Throne!
In this inspiring message, John Evertson dives into the Christmas story and reminds us that despite the challenges we face, God is ultimately in control. Reflecting on the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, we are encouraged to trust in God’s plan, knowing that He is still on the throne. #help4today
The Secret to David’s Success
In this video, John Evertson delves into the key to David’s success, emphasizing his love for God’s word, care for God’s heart, and focus on God’s greatness. #help4today
Compel Them to Come In
John Evertson passionately shares about the importance of reaching out and inviting others to church, following the commandment of Jesus to “compel them to come in.” He emphasizes the impact of simple gestures like knocking on doors with friendly invitations and engaging in conversations that lead to sharing the gospel. #help4today
Fishing for Souls
John Evertson shares how sharing the gospel and leading others to Christ brings unparalleled joy and fulfillment. As believers, we are called to be fishers of men, casting our nets and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. #help4today
Lift Up Your Eyes
John Evertson shares a powerful message about the importance of focusing on the spiritual harvest rather than temporary cares of this world. Drawing from John 4:35, he encourages believers to lift up their eyes and be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ, reminding them of the urgency to reach souls for eternity. #help4today
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