Thriving in the Stillness
Does this “slow down” we are in frustrate you? Are you finding it hard to sit at home and wait it out? Bro. Matt Waterhouse encourages us to find out what it is God wants us to learn during this time.
A Biblical Guide to Worship
We see the term “worship” frequently used in this modern age of Christianity, but do we understand the meaning of the word according to the Bible? To prevent error, we must understand what Scripture has to say about this subject. This article sheds some light on proper biblical worship.
Striving vs. Scorning
Striving and scorning are two methods of confrontation listed in the Bible. What are the differences between the two? What outcomes do each produce? How does one know if he is striving or scorning? The author answers all of these questions in this article.
Qualities of a Good Music Leader
Those in a position of leadership should possess all six of these characteristics, whether you lead the music program or the nursery. How many of these describe your life?
A Measuring Stick for Music
Music is one of the most difficult subjects in which to establish scriptural boundaries for the believer. Some say it is just a personal preference or an opinion. Bro. Waterhouse shows us a biblical measuring stick for setting boundaries in our music.
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