Today, in the book of Leviticus, we’re in chapter 8, verse 7. God begins in this chapter and the following chapters to outfit the priest from head to toe. He said, “This is how I want you to dress. This is the breastplate I want you to put on. This is the ephod I want you to put on.”
I want to come to you, and I know that I’m talking to myself and pastors, in particular, but all leadership. I think there’s something very special about being God’s man. I hope that doesn’t sound prideful, but I’m supposed to be God’s man. But God wants me to be holy, and I believe we ought to dress like holy men of God. I think there’s too much casual day-to-day running around towards town preachers in our shorts and tank tops and backward ball caps. I’m not trying to be weird, but I represent someone much bigger than myself. I’m an ambassador to the King of Kings. Let’s dress with the dignity, all of us as Christians, that want to honor our Lord today. God bless you and have a wonderful day.
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Pastor Trieber
Pastor Trieber has served as the pastor of the North Valley Baptist Church since March of 1976. He is also the President of Golden State Baptist College.
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