“Praise Him, praise Him,” the song says. And so we see the importance and hear the importance of it is of praising Him.
We have songs such as “To God Be the Glory,” lots of songs that talk about praising Him. You know, it’s a privilege, it’s an honor to be able to sing songs about Him, songs that lift His name up, the importance of it. May we never grow weary, may we never forget the importance of praising the Lord of Lords and none of ourselves, but only for His honor and glory.
The book of Psalms, in fact, the last verse of chapter 150, the last chapter of Psalms 1, verse 6, says the following: “Let everything that have breath praise the Lord.” And then again the Bible says, “Praise ye the Lord,” to just emphasize that.
May we be found guilty of praising the Lord and our music.
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Caleb Galvan serves as North Valley Baptist Church’s pianist for services. He also teaches many music classes and gives personal piano lessons at Golden State Baptist College.
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