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Bible Study Helps

What Are You Living For?

AJ Ermita encourages us to reflect on our purpose in life, drawing inspiration from the selfless example set by Jesus Christ and His disciples. He highlights the dedication of individuals like Pastor Trieber and the staff at Golden State Baptist College and North Valley Baptist School, who live to serve others and train the next generation of Christian servants. #help4today

Bible Study Helps

The Power of Choice

AJ Ermita discusses the importance of making choices in line with God’s will, drawing examples from the Bible such as Adam and Eve, Ruth, and Daniel. He encourages viewers to choose to live righteously in God’s eyes every day, emphasizing the lasting rewards of following the Lord. #help4today

Bible Study Helps

Finding Joy

Join AJ Ermita as he shares a powerful message from Psalms 37:4 about delighting in the Lord and aligning our desires with His will. Discover the key to experiencing joy in your daily walk with God and finding fulfillment in His presence through prayer, church involvement, and soul-winning. #help4today

Bible Study Helps

Here Am I

AJ Ermita shares a powerful message inspired by Isaiah chapter six, reminding us to humbly respond to God’s calling with “Here am I.” Whether young or seasoned in faith, being available and having the right attitude can lead to extraordinary things in our Christian journey. #help4today