Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; And the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
I. Three Branches of Government
America was birthed in biblical values and has been greatly blessed as a direct result of applying biblical principles to its foundations. The separation of power through three branches of government was derived from Isaiah 33:22. From this verse, we see the judicial, legislative, and executive branches. “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, The LORD is our king.” This verse formulated the very basis of American government!
Sadly today, when it comes to the topic of politics, many people want to cower and retreat; however, this is an unbiblical response, and I personally believe it is one of the reasons we are in the spiritual decline of our day. Where does spiritual end and political begin?
II. Three Institutions Established by God
God has established three institutions: the home, the church, and the government. The government has to decide if it will protect and promote the home and the church or if it’s going to persecute and punish these God-established institutions.
Liberty is important because the Gospel is important. This sacred liberty that makes America different from the rest of the world will be lost if God’s people chose to ignore what has been entrusted to us. Losing our liberty to freely share the Gospel with others is exactly where we will find ourselves in the near future if we do nothing.
America’s problem is not that people are fleeing this wonderful land of opportunity. Quite the opposite is true; because our liberty is envied by so many around the world, people are clamoring to get in! The great question we now face is, will we hold on to the liberty our forefathers fought and died for? God is a God of the impossible, and I believe He desires to use His people to preserve our nation” for such a time as this!”
So, how can we defend our liberty and restore morality in these trying times?
III. Three Biblical Principles for Making America Spiritually Great
First, we need to fervently pray. We need to become better at living 2 Chronicles 7:14 than we are at quoting it. There are many things we can do, but nothing can be done until we first humble our hearts, repent of our sin, and seek the Lord. We need to be asking God, in His mercy, to grant to us a spiritual awakening!
Secondly, we need to participate. How can we participate? One vitally important step is to vote and to get others registered and voting. We must vote for candidates who hold to biblical values. These are the candidates who are not ashamed to stand for the sanctity of life, biblical marriage, the freedom of religion, and have a love for the nation of Israel. Generally, if a candidate is wrong on the issue of life, they are going to be wrong morally on so many other important issues.
Pastors should regularly be reminding God’s people of these important biblical issues and their responsibility to vote. We must realize that Jesus will never be on the ballot, and our main concern is a candidate’s positions, not so much their personality. Our vote belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ! It is not about an elephant or a donkey, it is about the Lamb of God!
A few years ago, Chad Connelly, president and founder of Faith Wins, gave me a very encouraging statistic. He stated, “America has 83 million people who identify as evangelical or a person of faith. About 30 million are active voters. This means that the non-voting “Christian” group is larger than four of the top liberal voting groups combined!
If we simply had 80% of this “evangelical group” educated and voting properly, we would win every election from the federal level, to the state level, to the local level. It is amazing to consider the impact God’s people could have if everyone simply voted for candidates that held to our biblical values!
Lastly, we should personally get to know our representatives and pray for them and their families. We are commanded by God to pray for these leaders, but we need to know how to pray specifically and personally for them (1 Timothy 2:1-4). Most of them need salvation; others face great personal trials, but all of them need the guiding hand of Almighty God!
It has taken us years to get into this mess, and we know it is going to take years of prayer and dedication from God’s people to get out. But with His help, we can see morality restored and our liberties protected in this great state and nation.
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John Evertson, GSBC Campus Pastor
In June 2000, after graduating from Golden State Baptist College, John Evertson answered the call to pastor West Valley Baptist Church in Woodland, California. After 19 years, God moved Pastor and Mrs. Evertson to Santa Clara. Pastor Evertson is instrumental in the church and serves as the Campus Pastor for Golden State Baptist College to help guide the future servants of God. Pastor & Mrs. Evertson have four children — Josiah, Jeremiah, Joy, and Joshua.
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