Do Not Merge Godliness and Worldliness
Jack Trieber passionately explains the biblical lesson from 1 Samuel 5 about the consequences of merging the true God with false idols. He warns against bringing worldly influences into the church, emphasizing the importance of keeping faith pure and free from works and self-pride to honor God effectively. #help4today
Prayer – Helpless but Not Hopeless
Join us as we delve into the rich narrative of Hannah’s prayer for a child in 1 Samuel chapters 1 and 2 with Jack Trieber. Discover the profound impact of prayer, the solace it brings in times of need, and the encouragement to pray for others. #help4today
We Are Redeemed
Join Pastor Jack Trieber in a powerful reflection on redemption as he shares insights from Ruth 4:4. Celebrate the precious blood of Jesus that redeems us, freeing us from the vain traditions of the past and securing our eternal salvation. #help4today
God Orchestrates Everything
Join Pastor Jack Trieber as he shares a powerful moment from the book of Ruth, reminding us that God orchestrates everything in our lives. Through personal experiences and biblical examples, learn to trust in God’s divine appointments and have faith in His perfect plan for your life. #help4today
Are You Respectful?
Pastor Jack Trieber shares a powerful message on the importance of respect, drawing from the book of Ruth. He emphasizes the need for kindness and respect in a world filled with political divisiveness, urging viewers to love and care for one another in all aspects of life. Let’s strive to show respect in our homes, marriages, churches, and cities. #help4today
Learn the Joy of Work!
Jack Trieber discusses the importance of hard work as demonstrated in the book of Ruth, highlighting the value of diligence and productivity. Let’s learn to work! #help4today
Loyalty to Family
Join Pastor Jack Trieber as he delves into the book of Ruth, highlighting the themes of loyalty, devotion, and family. Discover the profound commitment Ruth showed to her mother-in-law, serving as a timeless example for us today to cherish our relationships and heritage with unwavering dedication. #help4today
Are You Doing What Is Right in Your Own Eyes?
Jack Trieber encourages us to prioritize living for God and others over our own desires, referencing the book of Judges where doing what’s right in our own eyes led to downfall. #help4today
Walk in One Accord
Pastor Jack Trieber reminds us to avoid bringing chaos into our lives, following the example of unity in the book of Acts. Let’s not be part of the crowd trashing others on the Internet, but instead strive for harmony in our relationships and actions. #help4today
Don’t Be a Disappointment
In this video, Jack Trieber reflects on the life of biblical figure Samson, highlighting the importance of parental guidance and living a life pleasing to God. #help4today
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