Love Your Church
In this video, Jack Trieber encourages viewers to love their church and not to criticize or attack it. He emphasizes the importance of cherishing the church and compares it to a marriage relationship. #help4today
The Power of Prayer in the Church
In this video, Jack Trieber expresses his deep love for the church and the importance of prayer within the church. #help4today
What Kind of Church Member Are You?
In this insightful video, Pastor Jack Trieber discusses the dangers of being a high-maintenance church member, using the example of Diotrephes in the New Testament. He emphasizes the importance of not seeking personal preeminence and instead focusing on the needs of others in the church. #help4today
Inform Your Pastor
In this video, Pastor Jack Trieber addresses the common expectation for pastors to reach out and visit every member of the congregation who is sick or in need. He reminds viewers that according to James 5, it is the responsibility of the individual to reach out to the elders and inform them of their situation. #help4today
Jesus Gave
In this week’s episode, Jack Trieber discusses the significance of the church and encourages viewers to appreciate and support their local congregation. Drawing upon Ephesians 5:25, he reminds us that Jesus gave his life for the church, emphasizing the importance of not taking it for granted or neglecting it. #help4today
Pastor Jack Trieber reminds us of the importance of seeking knowledge in order to perceive and meet the needs of others. Drawing inspiration from Proverbs 1:7, he emphasizes the need to be attentive to the needs of our family, church members, and those around us. #help4today
In this video, Jack Trieber emphasizes the importance of forgiveness as taught in Ephesians 4. He explains that to forgive is to cancel, remit, and remove. #help4today
In this video, Pastor Jack Trieber shares a powerful message about the importance of kindness. He recalls a personal experience at a carnival where he learned the value of showing kindness even when faced with difficult people. #help4today
In this video, Jack Trieber discusses the importance of seeking instruction in our daily lives. He explains that receiving guidance and teaching from various sources, such as our spouses, parents, and the Word of God, can greatly benefit us on our journey through life. #help4today
In this video, Jack Trieber discusses the importance of seeking wisdom from God and how it can bring skill and discernment to our lives. He highlights the biblical references to wisdom and encourages viewers to prioritize it. #help4today
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