The Purpose of the Sunday School
Discover the key to a successful Sunday School Ministry in your church. Learn how to define and implement a clear purpose that can help you achieve your goals and witness growth in your classes. Check out this insightful article now!
Everybody Needs to Go to Sunday School
Really? Everyone needs to go, not just the kids? Yes, everybody needs to go to Sunday school. Read this article to find out why Sunday school attendance is important for everybody.
A Teacher, A Link
Mrs. Miriam Chung explains the need to be connected to the right source in order to be a successful conduit in this article.
What Do I Teach?
In this brief article, Bro. Craig Burcham shares three areas to focus on when preparing others for the journey of life.
Tips for Preparing a Sunday School Lesson
It’s been said: “By failing to prepare, we are preparing to fail.” In this brief article, Bro. Slye encourages us to make a habit of preparing.
Free Bible Lessons for Kids
With many churches being unable to meet together for Sunday school, children have been missing out on their weekly kids’ programs. Here is a free series of Bible lessons for kids!
The Right Tools
Just as work requires specific tools to be completed, teaching calls for many methods to be used. Bro. Jim Carey explains how to sharpen teaching tools and be ready to add new ones where needed.
The Right Plant
In this article, Bro. Jim Carey explains that to be an effective teacher, one must learn to distinguish the subtle differences of his students and then strive to provide an environment that will make them thrive.
Show and Tell
Many adults have fond memories of their elementary Show and Tell experiences. Most of us can vividly recall choosing an object from home of some significance to us, bringing it to school to show our classmates, and explaining in front of the class why it…
Traits of a Great Sunday School Teacher – Part 2
In this article, Bro. Andrew Reimers recounts a Sunday school teacher he had as a child that still stands out in his mind today and the traits that made him great.
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