I love working with young people. Over the last 15 plus years, I’ve had the opportunity to work in our Christian school in many different capacities. It’s been a dream come true for me to get to serve here at our school. I love watching the little kids in our TK program as they get out of the car and use all their might just to carry in their little backpacks. Then so quickly they turn into high school seniors who drive themselves to school, get out of the car with their coffee and laptop bag in their hands, and are on the threshold of being adults.
Kids grow at different stages, and no two kids are the same. One thing that will remain the same throughout the ages is that kids want to know you care. Kids want to be loved, and kids want to know they can count on you no matter what.
I recall a situation with one of my daughters when I mentioned a name to her in a conversation. She scrunched her nose up and kind of gave me an ugh response. When I asked her why she responded that way, she went on to recall a situation that had happened to her with this particular adult. She couldn’t remember exactly what was said to her, but she remembered exactly how she felt, and that made a huge impact on her.
You can tell the kids you care and that you will be there, but if you never make the effort to actually be there, you won’t make a lasting difference in their lives. It’s the choices you make day in and day out that will create the memory in their mind about whether or not you care. Go out today and SHOW someone you care. The song I learned long ago as a little kid in Sunday school says, “Look all around you, find someone in need, help someone today!”
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Tabitha Fanara, Christian School Staff
Tabitha (Trieber) Fanara has worked alongside her husband, principal of NVBS, for nearly 15 years. She grew up at North Valley as a pastor’s kid and has seen ministry from all sides. The Fanaras have four wonderful children. Mrs. Fanara also oversees the nursery department at NVBC.
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