Love is in the air, and we’re right around the corner from “I Love My Church Sunday.” Of course, Valentine’s Day is on its way, and I’m reminded of Ephesians 5:25. The Bible says, “Husbands, love your wives even as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it.” That’s a lot of love, and I thank God for my wife.
I remember the first time I saw her. I met her at church, and my heart just started beating so fast. I remember the early days of my Christian life and getting so excited about the things of God. Revelation chapter two talks about our first love there at the church at Ephesus, and I wanna challenge you today. Let’s love your church. Let’s have a love for your home church, and there should be nothing that comes between us and serving the Lord through our local church.
There should be nothing that comes between us and our attendance at our local church. There should be nothing that comes between us and financially supporting our local church. The greatest things in my life that have ever happened happened because of church. I heard the gospel at church. I was baptized at church. I met my wife at church. I was married at church. I was ordained into the gospel ministry at church. I gave my life to the Lord because of the preaching at a local New Testament church.
And so I want to challenge you today. Let’s consider the church because Christ came to this earth to establish the local New Testament Church. Have a wonderful day.
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John Evertson, GSBC Campus Pastor
In June 2000, after graduating from Golden State Baptist College, John Evertson answered the call to pastor West Valley Baptist Church in Woodland, California. After 19 years, God moved Pastor and Mrs. Evertson to Santa Clara. Pastor Evertson is instrumental in the church and serves as the Campus Pastor for Golden State Baptist College to help guide the future servants of God. Pastor & Mrs. Evertson have four children — Josiah, Jeremiah, Joy, and Joshua.
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