What to Do In These Days
No one can deny that we are living in a troublesome time, but here Bro. Craig Burcham reminds us that we can have peace and joy in hearts in spite of all that is happening around us.
The Testimony of the Trumpet
The rapture is the next event on God’s prophetic timeline, and this event is preceded by the trump of God. In this article, Pastor Justin Cooper examines the trumpet’s role in people’s lives throughout history.
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
If we were to only look around us, it would fill our hearts with despair. There is anarchy in the streets, economic turmoil, and pestilence; however, Bro. Craig Burcham reminds us that the peace of God passes all understanding and Jesus commands us to not allow our hearts to be troubled.
Assessing the Ages
Clocks and calendars are a necessity to keep us on time for activities and responsibilities in our lives. Here, Bro. Craig Burcham gives us some reminders of what God’s Word tells us to do with our time.
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