Compel Them to Come In
John Evertson passionately shares about the importance of reaching out and inviting others to church, following the commandment of Jesus to “compel them to come in.” He emphasizes the impact of simple gestures like knocking on doors with friendly invitations and engaging in conversations that lead to sharing the gospel. #help4today
Fishing for Souls
John Evertson shares how sharing the gospel and leading others to Christ brings unparalleled joy and fulfillment. As believers, we are called to be fishers of men, casting our nets and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. #help4today
Lift Up Your Eyes
John Evertson shares a powerful message about the importance of focusing on the spiritual harvest rather than temporary cares of this world. Drawing from John 4:35, he encourages believers to lift up their eyes and be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ, reminding them of the urgency to reach souls for eternity. #help4today
With All My Heart
John Evertson shares a powerful message on the importance of loving, trusting, and serving the Lord with all our hearts. As believers, our key to a fulfilling Christian life lies in our wholehearted devotion to God. #help4today
Your Enemies Will Be at Peace
John Evertson shares insights from Proverbs 16:7 about how striving to please the Lord may lead to making enemies, but ultimately results in peace with them over time. He encourages viewers to prioritize pleasing God each day and trust in the promise that enemies will be at peace with them if they stay faithful in their pursuit of righteousness. #help4today
The World Will Hate You
John Evertson discusses the importance of pleasing the Lord and the reality that living a Christian life may lead to making enemies. Drawing from Scripture, he highlights the inevitability of facing opposition as believers strive for purity and peace in their walk with God. #help4today
Pleasing the Lord Above All Else
John Evertson discusses the importance of seeking to please the Lord above all. While we may not be able to please everyone around us, striving to serve the Master should be our ultimate goal. #help4today
The Voice of One
Pastor John Evertson reflects on the importance of hearing the voice of God daily, drawing inspiration from Numbers 7:89 and the Gospels. Encouraging believers to prioritize God’s voice above all others, he emphasizes the need to listen to God’s Word to become a voice for the Lord in the world. #help4today
The Heart of the Problem
In this impactful video, Bro. John Evertson discusses the significance of having a perfect heart toward God in a world plagued by problems. He emphasizes the need for Christians to examine their own hearts and ask God for daily guidance and transformation. #help4today
Blessed Is The Nation
America was birthed in biblical values and has been greatly blessed due to applying biblical principles to its foundations. Sadly today, when it comes to politics, many Christians want to cower and retreat. Pastor Evertson shares three actions Christians must take to restore our nation.
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