Biblical Principles of Giving
Is tithing to be practiced by the New Testament Christian? Dr. Nikoley answers this question and many other questions regarding giving in this article.
How Is Your Financial Testimony?
Bro. Fred Slye shares ten tips for maintaining a stellar financial testimony as a Christian.
You Do The Math
Sometimes things just don’t add up in the Christian life. We cannot always explain how God takes care of those who faithfully tithe, but we can always explain that He does.
Profit or Loss
A great deal of emphasis is placed on making a “profit” in the financial world. However, financial profit should not be the priority for the Christian.
Are You a Wasteful Steward?
Our current economic times have caused some to reevaluate their priorities when it comes to their finances. Bro. Fred Slye encourages us to identify what is wasteful spending.
Lay Up For Yourselves
Are you laying up treasures for someone else or for yourself? Pastor Tom Apusen shows us God’s plan for laying up treasures for yourself.
When Financial Trials Come
What are you supposed to do when finances get tight? Instead of trying to figure out what to do on your own, implement these Bible principles in this article; then stand back and watch God be true to His Word.
Set Your House in Order
How orderly are you with your money? Do you know where all your money went this past month? An orderly household is biblical and essential. Pastor Trieber stresses its importance and challenges our homes in this helpful article.
Saving for a Rainy Day
One area that many people struggle with is saving for a rainy day. If you are like most people, these 10 simple tips will help you save money and help you be prepared for the inevitable “rainy day.”
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