Have you ever tried to build something without instructions? It’s very difficult. Instructions provide order. It takes you from step one to step two, all the way to the completion, and helps you build something.
Well, instruction is so needed in our lives. Proverbs speaks so much about instruction. Proverbs 1 verse 8, the Bible says, “My son, hear the instruction of a father. Forsake not the law of thy mother.” As Christians, we must obey instruction. We can find instruction in so many places. God has given us instruction through his word. We receive instruction through the Holy Spirit as he speaks to our heart. We receive instruction from authority. Instruction.
But there’s two things that we must do with instruction. The Bible tells us we’re supposed to hear instruction. Hearing is listening. It’s paying attention. It’s thinking and comprehending what we’ve been told to do. And then the Bible says that we’re supposed to heed instruction. It’s to obey. It’s to follow through. It’s to accomplish what we’ve been told to do.
Today, I hope you’ll think about this word instruction. Are you hearing and heeding the instruction that God has placed in your life?
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Andrew Reimers, Sunday School Director
Having grown up in a wonderful Christian home, Brother Reimers was saved at an early age. After high school, he moved from Meriden, Connecticut, to attend Golden State Baptist College in 2009. Following graduation, he married his wife Joy and joined the church staff as Director of North Valley Publications and the Sunday School.
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