And a great day to you, dear friend. Thank you for joining us once again. I’m in the book of James. If you have your Bible, I want to ask you to go to chapter 1 of the book of James. In chapter 1, verse number 1, James introduces himself. He’s introducing himself to the church that’s scattered abroad, and he’s going to talk to them there about trials and temptations, our difficulties, our burdens, our tests.

We’ve just come through here at Golden State Baptist College, final exams, graduation. Over at the school, they’re coming upon their final exams. We’ll have graduation for them in just a few more days, but everyone faces tests, don’t we? Everyone goes through a trial, and he speaks to this church that’s going through a trial. They’re going through persecution. Trials and temptations, they come, he’s going to tell us, unexpectedly. They come indiscriminately. They touch everybody. And Christians are not exempted from trials and tests.

How do you pass the tests of life? Well, he’s going to give us a few pointers here and some help for us as we’re going through those tests and trials of our life. I hope you join us again tomorrow as we continue in the book of James. God bless you, dear friend.

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David Sloan

David Sloan, Spanish Pastor

David Sloan serves as pastor of the Spanish Department of North Valley Baptist Church. He and his family were missionaries in the Former Soviet Union and the Middle East, where he served as United States representative to the Christian Caucus in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset. He and his wife Jolene have five children. Bro. Sloan is part of a missionary heritage of fourteen families who serve on the mission field, spanning seven countries and four continents. He is also the Missions Director at Golden State Baptist College.