This week on Help4Today, we’re giving you tips to use your cell phone and not destroy your life with it. Today, I’d like to read Acts 4 in verse 20, “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” Could I encourage you on your cell phone and on your kid’s cell phone, guard what you see. You cannot help but repeat what you see. Cannot help but become who you follow on social media.

Who are you following? You’ll be them. Your kids, who are they following? Who are they watching? Is that who you want them to grow up and be like? Today, on Health for Today, let’s use our cell phone and use it for good, and let’s avoid those who will lead us in the wrong direction. For more information, visit

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Mike Moyer, Media and IT Director

Brother Moyer finished his undergraduate degree at Golden State Baptist College in 2000. After earning his master’s degree in 2001, he joined our staff in the graphic design department. He now oversees all the ministry technology, which has grown to include all ministry websites, live streaming, Revival Time radio broadcast, KNVBC Radio, IT Department, sound ministry, and much more.