Coming at you again this morning for Help for Today, talking about campaigns. Talking specifically, we’re going through right now, we are in the midst just this past Sunday, we began our Harvest Time campaign, and we started with Friend Day. And we looked at campaigns; bring in new life, brings in new visitors, but you also know what it does, campaigns or events, it helps bring in faithful attendance.

And what happens is those members that you have in your church, you may miss a week here or may miss a week there, or they don’t put a highest priority on it, you know what happens? They come back. And specifically, they come back to the Sunday school. We believe in the Sunday school around here at North Valley Baptist Church. We want people enrolled in the Sunday school. We want people studying. We want the teachers to study and to know the Word of God. We want the members to grow closer to God and to learn in their knowledge.

I want my kids in Sunday school. I don’t want them to have less church. I don’t want them to hear less about the Bible, hear less about God. I want them to hear more about God. And it always amazes me, my kids come back from the Sunday school lesson, and they know different stories and they know different specifics about the Bible stories and even songs that I haven’t heard of in years, and I appreciate it, and I appreciate those Sunday school teachers taking time to faithfully teach the Word of God in Sunday school.

Campaigns, we specifically, our points for the campaign are specifically taken in the Sunday school. Why? Because we want to emphasize the importance of it. We want people in Sunday school. We want people going and learning about God. We want, yes, we want them to attend the morning services, yes, we want them to attend the fellowships, but we want them in Sunday school. We want people here around here at North Valley Baptist Church to go closer to God especially in the area of the Sunday school.

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Luke Flood

Luke Flood, Bus Director

Luke Flood serves on staff as the bus director and is responsible for seeing hundreds of people in church on a weekly basis. He is a true product of North Valley Baptist Church. Having grown up in a wonderful Christian family, he attended North Valley Baptist Schools from kindergarten through twelfth grade. After graduation, he attended Golden State Baptist College where he earned both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees.