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Bible Study Helps

Pray Without Ceasing

Robert Simmons shares a powerful message from 1 Thessalonians, urging viewers to pray without ceasing, emphasizing its importance in both moments of triumph and trials. He highlights how consistent prayer can anchor us in our faith, whether we are just starting out in ministry or nearing retirement. #help4today

Bible Study Helps

Stay True to the Word of God

In this video, Robert Simmons reflects on the importance of holding on to the truths of the gospel amidst the presence of deceivers trying to lead Christians astray. Drawing from 2 John 8, he emphasizes the value of the teachings received from church, pastor, and family, urging viewers to remain faithful to the Word of God in a changing world. #help4today

Bible Study Helps

He is Risen!

Robert Simmons reflects on the powerful message of Luke 24, reminding us that despite life’s trials, our hope lies in the resurrection of our Lord. Just as the disciples found comfort in the angels’ words, “He is not here, but is risen,” we too can find solace in the promise of Christ’s return. #help4today

Bible Study Helps

Just Go One More Time

Join Robert Simmons as he shares a powerful message from 2 Kings 5, encouraging all Sunday school teachers, bus route workers, and pastors to continue in their ministry, even when faced with challenges. Just like Naaman in the Bible, sometimes the breakthrough comes after consistent faithfulness. #help4today

Bible Study Helps

The Living Water

Bro. Robert Simmons shares a powerful message from John chapter four about the woman at the well and Jesus offering her living water. Through her story, we are reminded of God’s unwavering love and forgiveness, no matter our past or struggles. #help4today