Welcome to Help For Today. I hope that you have a wonderful 4th of July with your family. Today, we’re going to be in 2 John, in verse number 8. Here John is writing to the elect lady, warning her of deceivers that are coming in and trying to turn Christians away from the truth and from the gospel that they’ve been taught. In verse number 8, the Bible says, “Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought.” That word “wrought” means to have gained. So he’s telling this elect lady, “I don’t want you to lose those things which you have gained, that I’ve entrusted into your care, that I’ve taught you, that you’ve learned from me over these many years.”
I’m thankful for the church that I get to be a part of, thankful for my pastor and the things I’ve gained from what he’s taught. I’m thankful that I was able to be raised in a godly home with Christian parents. I’m thankful for all that I gained from them. I’m thankful for this country that we get to live in and for all that I’ve gained with the heritage I have here in America. But the Bible says, “look to yourselves, that we don’t lose those things which we have gained.” People have been invested in us, and it’s up to you and me every day. We have to assess, take notice of our lives, and make sure that we don’t lose the truths that we’ve been taught from this book.
In a world that’s changing and going in a different direction, may you and I stay faithful, stay true to the Word of God.
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Robert Simmons, C Ministry Director
Robert Simmons works on the faculty of Golden State Baptist College. He is the College Bus Ministry Director and the Men’s Dorm Supervisor.
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