Watch Out for the Trap
Fear is an emotion we have all experienced. But we are reminded in this article that God’s Word tells us how we can overcome our fear.
It Had Been Better
It is human nature to shy away from uncomfortable and unpleasant situations, but is that what we should do? Pastor Tom Apusen gives us the answer from God’s Word.
“Be Careful…But Not Full Of Care”
In this article, Bro. Craig Burcham reminds us that as God’s children, we have no need to be full of care because we have a Father Who cares for us.
How to Study the Bible – Part 1
Every Christian should read and heed these five helpful tips on “How to Study the Bible” from Bro. Oxendine.
Giving When There Is Little to Give
Some may find themselves in a time of financial difficulty during this current situation. Bro. Fred Slye encourages us in having faith in sacrificial giving.
Lay Up For Yourselves
Are you laying up treasures for someone else or for yourself? Pastor Tom Apusen shows us God’s plan for laying up treasures for yourself.
How to Conquer Satan’s Strongholds – Part 2
Dr. Hans Nikoley reminds us that Christians face a spiritual battle with Satan, but with the Saviour and Holy Spirit, Satan can be conquered.
Are You Salty?
We hear a lot today about the dangers of using too much salt. However, in this article, Pastor John Evertson tells us when saltiness is actually a good thing.
One Quick Decision
God’s Word is full of examples of people who obeyed God’s instructions and those who did not. In this passage, Pastor Tom Apusen gives us an important reminder that our decisions affect our lives and the lives of our loved ones for years to come.
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