Philemon – A Runaway Slave Becomes a Profitable Servant
Every one of us has at one time been a slave―a fugitive―in bondage to sin. And though we tried, we could not escape nor be released from our debt. Some of us are still living as though our past enslaves us. Though you feel imprisoned or not, every one of us can identify with this article about Onesimus.
Check Your Heart
Valentine’s Day is a good time for a heart check. If you find your heart has become somewhat cold toward the things of God, the author provides a cure for your heart to become warm again.
The Ten Largest Sunday Schools in America and Where They Are Now
On this Sunday, we thought you might enjoy a brief history of some of the largest Sunday Schools in America during the twentieth century, what made them great, and where they are today in this video.
Striving vs. Scorning
Striving and scorning are two methods of confrontation listed in the Bible. What are the differences between the two? What outcomes do each produce? How does one know if he is striving or scorning? The author answers all of these questions in this article.
Paul’s Ministry Example
The life of the Apostle Paul is an incredible example that Christians can follow today of a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Not only did he write many of the New Testament books, but he also showed how a faithful Christian should run the race. The author gives us many ways we can look to Paul as a model for our lives.
Fishers of Men
Christ’s last act before His death, His last command, and His last prayer were all focused on one task. In this article, Pastor John Evertson looks at being a “Fisher of Men” through the eyes of a fisherman.
Memories of a Church Planter’s Wife – Part 2: Piano Player Needed
Have you have ever felt inadequate or insufficient? What can a piano synthesizer teach us about church planting and reliance on God? Mrs. Aimee Atwood continues her series on “Memories of a Church Planter’s Wife,” and as you read this article, you will be encouraged.
An Investment in Others
At times, serving at your local church in any capacity can make you feel overwhelmed and under-appreciated. So how, you may ask, can you keep the right spirit when investing in others? Find out how in this article.
Casual and Cool vs. Committed and Christ-like
In this article, two choices are presented to Christians in this day in which we live. Which will you choose: casual and cool? Or committed and Christ-like?
A Brief History of the Church Bus Ministry in America
The Bus Ministry has been unarguably the most impactful tool available to our churches within the past 60-70 years. No other ministry has seen more results in salvations and baptisms than the bus ministry has seen in just the relatively short time since its formalization. Read the fascinating account of the history of the bus ministry.
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