Super Power – Spiritual Gift
What is your superpower? You may not wear a cape, but every Christian receives a gift, a “superpower,” at salvation. The author describes her “superpower” and encourages us all to use ours.
Just a Thought on Soul Winning
The subject of soul winning is very easy to receive but a challenge for many to practice. Bro. Alvin Martinez, a fantastic soul winner, shares a quick thought that will help.
Making Missions Possible
Using principles found in Matthew 25, Bro. Apusen explains how he directs hundreds of thousands of dollars every year into missions and how we can use these same principles to use the money God has entrusted to us.
Be Extraordinary
Think back to your days in school. Can you remember a teacher who had a significant impact on your life? What made him or her different from the others? Bro. Chris Fanara shows us how one can be an extraordinary teacher.
Standing in the Battle
What do you do when you are standing in a battle you don’t want to fight? Bro. Burcham shows us three things we can do when the situation looks bleak.
The Unseen Wind
“It is the unseen wind that drives the ship, not the lofty sail.” Though the sail is visible to all and is vital for the ship to proceed, it would go nowhere without the unseen wind to drive it. The same can be said about many aspects of life, like those who serve faithfully and unnoticed.
Overcoming a Spirit of Hopelessness
The spirit of hopelessness is sweeping the country and has invaded the New Testament local church. Pastor Trieber looks at where despair comes from and what we can do to conquer this stronghold.
The Clock Is Ticking Down
As we look to start another new year, Pastor Trieber lists four areas in which each Christian should focus attention in order to have a successful year.
Your Bus Route: Lake vs. Pond
How do you keep your bus route exciting and fresh? If your bus route is not growing, it is dying. Luke Flood, the NVBC Bus Director, gives five steps you can implement immediately on your route.
You Have Them, Now What?
It could take weeks, months, and possibly even years before that prospect actually comes. You have them, now what? How do you keep them?
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