All of us have a choice to make on how to celebrate the Christmas season. We can rejoice with exceeding great joy like the wise men in the Christmas story, or be miserable like King Herod. We can celebrate the Christmas season rejoicing due to the fact that our Lord Jesus Christ was born, praise God, or celebrate the Christmas season sorrowing despite the wonderful truth that we have a Savior.
Here’s what I’m trying to say. Each of us has a choice to make. Yes, we do. Let me encourage all of us with some thoughts that can help make Christmas merry this year.
First, let’s worship God. I’m talking about the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. In John chapter 4, verse number 23, the Bible says, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship God. Worship Him, the Father, in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.” The word worship, we all know, means to honor. If you recall in Biblical accounts, in the Christmas story, the wise men came and they worshipped Christ with their treasure. And also, we can worship Christ with our time. You see, the wonderful thing about worship is we can worship Him in private and in public.
The real meaning of this season can be found in the root word of Christmas, and that is Christ. Christmas is all about Christ. “O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.” Merry Christmas.
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Alvin Martinez, Assistant Pastor
Alvin Martinez is an Assistant Pastor at North Valley Baptist Church. He teaches the Lifeline Bible Class and Sunday Evening School of the Bible.
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