For the Christian, life is all about Christ. In fact, the name “Christian” says it all—CHRISTIAN = CHRIST is everything; I Am Nothing. As I consider this truth, my attention is drawn once more to the Epistle of Paul to the Colossians. Our text for today’s thoughts will be Colossians 3:1-4, which focuses on Christ and the Christian. In fact, the apostle makes this statement: Christ, who is our life” (verse 4). This is a summary of the life of the believer, for, without Christ, I Am Nothing! Let’s see what Paul has to say about this relationship.
First, he writes of Our Attachment, using the phrase, “with Christ.” We are a part of Christ, attached to Him. He begins by noting the significance of this truth. “If ye then be risen with Christ” (verse 1). The word “if” does not express doubt, but rather an assurance of what has happened. Perhaps we would express it as, “Since you have been raised with Christ.” Christ’s resurrection was proof that His sacrifice was acceptable to God, and in Christ, we too were resurrected unto spiritual life, signifying that we have been accepted because of the sacrifice of God’s Son. Not only does Paul remind us of the significance of this, but he points out the security this truth provides: “Your life is hid with Christ in God” (verse 3). In John 10:28-29, Jesus spoke of this when He said, “Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.” We are safe in Christ!
Paul continues by speaking of Our Attention, using the phrase, “where Christ.” As children of God, our focus is to be on Christ. This speaks of our desire – “Seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth” (verse 1). Our attention, the goals which we set, those things which we pursue, should be those things which glorify Christ. Our minds are to be on eternal things. Not only does this speak of our desire, but it also speaks of our devotion. Why do we seek those things above? Because we have set our affection on things above (verse 2).
Finally, Paul speaks of Our Anticipation using the phrase, “when Christ.” What a day that will be when Christ will come! In verse four Paul reminds us of the magnifying of His glory – “shall appear”. One day, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Philippians 2:10). But also, Paul reminds of the manifesting of His grace, “then shall ye also appear with him in glory” (verse4). We will be there, not because of our goodness, but because of His grace! And what a day that will be!
Our attachment – with Christ; our attention – where Christ; our anticipation – when Christ. Truly, Christ is our life! Let’s go out and live in a manner that demonstrates this great truth to those we meet.
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Craig Burcham, GSBC Faculty
Bro. Burcham served as the Chairman of the Bible Department at Golden State Baptist College before answering the call to pastor the Mountain Vista Baptist Church in Sierra Vista, AZ. Pastor Burcham travels each week to teach the next generation at GSBC. Before coming to GSBC, he served as a missionary with his family in Japan for several years and then pastored in Missouri.
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