The Bible says in Matthew chapter 2, verse number 11, “They presented unto him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.”
Christmas is not all about receiving; it’s all about giving. Christmas is not all about what we can get; it’s about what we can give. Christmas is not all about us; it’s all about those around us.
One thing I love about Christmas is watching the facial expressions of loved ones and friends as they open their presents. Don’t you love that? Yes, you want Christmas to be merry, and one of the keys to making it merry is by wrapping presents.
Yes, give, share your blessings with others. Give, give some appreciation perhaps. God bless us this year so we can be a blessing to others.
I’m mindful of a poem that says, “Look around and find someone in need. Help somebody today, though it’ll be a little or neighborly deed. Help somebody today, help somebody along life’s way. Oh let sorrow be ended and the friendless be friendly befriended, and help somebody today.”
I’m reminded of a song that goes, “If I can help somebody as I pass along, if I could cheer somebody with a word or a song, then my living shall not be in vain.” Christmas is all about others.
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Alvin Martinez, Assistant Pastor
Alvin Martinez is an Assistant Pastor at North Valley Baptist Church. He teaches the Lifeline Bible Class and Sunday Evening School of the Bible.
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