Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of becoming a wife and mother. I couldn’t wait to be married, have a home of my own to decorate, children to fill the halls with laughter, and memories to make with my precious family.
I love being a wife and a mama. However, I have to wonder if my husband and my children could make the same statement that Laura Ingalls did? Is our home a haven, or is it a place they dread to be?
Here are a few tips to help create a happy home.
1. Create traditions with your family.
Nothing helps a family more than spending time together. Whether it be a family movie night, a car ride, a bike ride, making s’mores by a firepit outside, or whatever it may be, do something that your family looks forward to every week. As your children get older, their likes and interests will change. Don’t do the same thing every time just because it’s something you have always done. Keep the tradition of time together, and don’t be afraid to change things up and try new things.
2. Make your home a place they want to come back to and invite their friends to.
I love it when my kids invite their friends to our home. We live in a neighborhood near our church, and a lot of my kids’ friends live in the same neighborhood. I look forward to having their friends come by and share a homemade cookie. I’m glad they aren’t embarrassed to bring them to our house. Keep your home clean! I have known people that are embarrassed to have people over because their home was not left in an orderly fashion. Don’t let your husband or children feel embarrassed to invite people over because your home is in disarray.
3. Never allow negative conversations at mealtimes or before bed.
Keeping the conversations positive at the dinner table was something my parents taught me while growing up. It has been something that we have tried to implement with our family as well. We also have incorporated that mindset with our kids before bedtime. The last thing we want is to have negative conversations with our kids before they go to bed. They don’t need that on their mind before they try to get rest for the night. If you need to have those conversations, plan a time that you can sit down and discuss it with them, not just on the spur of the moment.
4. Create a pleasant atmosphere in your home
I love candles, the smell they give off and the warmth they bring. I enjoy decorating our home for different seasons, and the kids really enjoy getting involved in this as well. Play good music in your home. I enjoy listening to my kids sing along with the music that is being played in our home. It really helps to set a positive spirit in our home.
5. Mama, work on your spirit!
You know the saying, “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!” Mom, you are the key to creating this spirit in your home. Make sure the spirit you are creating is a pleasant one. Our home is not perfect by any means, but it has become a place where our family loves to be together. Start today to make your home a happy place so your family can say, “Home is the nicest word there is.”
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Tabitha Fanara, Christian School Staff
Tabitha (Trieber) Fanara has worked alongside her husband, principal of NVBS, for nearly 15 years. She grew up at North Valley as a pastor’s kid and has seen ministry from all sides. The Fanaras have four wonderful children. Mrs. Fanara also oversees the nursery department at NVBC.
Very encouraging, simple and natural sight of view in life for a christian. Thank you for sharing. I hope and pray my kids will be like you.