How’s your mood today? You might be saying, which mood are you talking about? I’m talking about the overall mood. How is your mood today? Are you happy? So many people today make the statement, “I’m just not happy.” “I’m not happy with my job. I’m not happy with my house. I’m not happy with my church. I’m not happy with my family. I’m not happy with…” I was going to say the president, but there’s probably some legitimacy there. But they’re saying, “I’m not happy” and their mood is just one of its down.

Well, there’s a great hymn of the faith that we sing, a powerful song about His eyes on the sparrow. I know He watches me. But the chorus, “I sing because I’m happy. I sing because I’m free.” There’s a message there. The happiness of the believer is not based on circumstances. The happiness of the believer is anchored in Christ and the fact that Christ has made me free. Yes, free indeed. I’ll never see hell. I’ll never touch hell. I’ll never have to experience hell. I’ve been saved by the wonderful grace of God. I’m a child of the heavenly Father. I’m a joiner with Christ. My name is in the book of life. I am heaven bound with the hammer down.

You say, “but politics are bad.” But God is good. You say, “but my house is small.” But your mansion in heaven is going to be large. You say, “but I don’t have any friends in this life.” You’ve got a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Paul, before he grew up, “I think myself happy.” And you and I have got to learn to train our mind. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Think on these things, things that are wholesome, things that are holy, things that pertain to Jesus Christ. Don’t be so earthly-minded. Be heavenly-minded. They used to say, “that man is so heavenly minded, he’s no earthly good.” But I promise you this, you’ll do no good on earth if you’re not more heavenly minded. Set your affection on things above and think yourself happy. I hope this has been a help in your Christian life today.

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