I want you to think with me about brand name items – branding. Everything in our world is sold by its brand. I’ve got a watch on. There’s a brand that makes the watch. The shirt, the tie, my shoes – everything has a name on it. And we associate worth with the brand; worth with the name that is on the item.

I want you to think about that in regards to the Christian life. You might be listening to me today and you feel very unworthy. Well, in one sense, I’m glad you do. You and I ought to feel unworthy. We don’t merit, we’re not worthy of God’s grace or His mercy or of heaven, salvation. None of those things do we ever earn, and we’re not worthy of it. But I want you to switch your thinking.

Our thinking is too me-centered, flesh-centered, self-centered. It ought to be more Christ-centered. My worthiness, my value, my worth is not based on Justin. It is anchored in Jesus Christ. He, when I was saved, imputed His righteousness to me. And my standing is now right because of Christ.

And today you say, “Well, I just don’t feel like I deserve it.” You don’t deserve it, but that’s grace. You didn’t earn it, but that is mercy. You didn’t do anything to claim it, but that’s the love of God. And His banner, His brand over us, is love.

And I don’t care who you are, where you’re from, what you’ve done. If you’re saved today, you’re of great value to God. He loved you enough to send His Son into this world, to die on an old rugged cross and shed His blood for your sin. And listen, you matter today to the Master.

I don’t know where you are. I don’t know where you find yourself. I just wanted to encourage you. Thank God for a good name. And I’m glad the name of Christ is on the life of all those who have been redeemed by His love, saved by His power divine. I hope this has been a help to your Christian life today.

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