Who can we help today? Well, how about the elderly? It’s an amazing thing getting older in life. I guess, according to what they tell me, I’m in that last generation and the next stop is heaven. It’s hard to believe. I still see myself as a young man. I pitch softball. I feel like I’m active and ready to go. But you know, can I tell you what happens to elderly people? They get real sweet or they get grumpy. They get hard to live with if they’re not careful, and that’s my category. But I want you to step into their world for a moment.
According to this bible, Ecclesiastes, their windows are going shut. In other words, they don’t see like they used to see. The doors are going shut. They don’t hear like they used to hear. The grinders, the teeth, they cease. In other words, they fall out. You know, it’s a hard thing, a difficult thing getting old. And so many people, the last leg of the journey, they suffer on the way out. I wonder, could you push someone in a wheelchair or help someone or carry some groceries today or stop by and give a meal or give a howdy or give a call or go to a nursing home or see someone in your church and talk to them. Help senior seasoned saints today.
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Pastor Trieber
Pastor Trieber has served as the pastor of the North Valley Baptist Church since March of 1976. He is also the President of Golden State Baptist College.
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