Please read 2 Samuel 9 (the story of Ziba & Mephibosheth)
The Bus Ministry still works!! It is one of the best avenues in reaching little boys, girls, and families for the Lord. It is not a free transportation service, nor is it a free babysitting service. It is a way to reach your city for the Lord and let people know that there is a church that cares.
1. Singing – It should be the best part of your program.
A. It will kill/drown out conversations that they should not be having (gossip, worldly music, etc.).
B. It will prepare their hearts for Sunday school and church.
2. The Program – The program starts with you and the workers.
A. Have everyone involved! No workers should be sitting together. SIT WITH THE KIDS!!
B. Have variety! Don’t get stuck with “Potato Chip, Potato Chip” or “Coca-Cola Went to Town” for months!
C. Have a song, skit, game, and teaching time – G.M.R.C (good manners, right conduct), memory verse, Bible character of the week, best seat awards (boy/girl).
3. Your bus is a moving advertisement.
A. Have a good time, but be respectful of the neighborhood, especially during pick-ups.
B. The neighborhood should hear laughing, verses, and singing. Kids in the neighborhood should be running outside to see what’s going on on the bus.
Your bus should be a little heaven here on earth for your kids. They should be requesting to be dropped off last and excited for next Sunday. Give your best; give your heart to your route.
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Junar Obstaculo, Men’s Dorm Supervisor
Bro. Obstaculo grew up in Los Angeles and was saved as a teenager. He moved to the area in 2008 to attend Golden State Baptist College, where he graduated in 2010. He has a heart to see the next generation serve God. He has been working with teens for almost 20 years and has worked full-time as Dorm Supervisor since 2017.
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