Good morning. As we study and help for today, the passage Philippians 3.14 this week, I want to rehearse it with you. The Bible says, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Today we’re on that second word, “I press.” Press means to have urgent effort. It’s a great extended effort towards a goal. And I want to encourage you to press towards something today.

As a high schooler, I signed up for a cross country race. I didn’t realize that cross country running was so difficult. I didn’t do very much preparing. And it came day, the day for the race and we showed up at the track and we walked the course and I saw it was not going to be a very easy race. We walked through the woods, up the hills, down out onto the beach, on a boardwalk. It was a long course, full of many difficult stretches. And we began that race at the starting line and we went through all those obstacles and I had to press just to finish the race. I had to really put a lot of effort just to get to the finish line.

You know, as Christians, we have to put effort to live for the Lord Jesus Christ. What are you pressing for today? Is it for popularity? Is it for finances? Is it for a big name or an ego? Or are we pressing to live our lives for the eternal? Are we pressing to lay up treasure in heaven? Are we pressing to see souls saved on the pathway of life? Today, I wanna encourage you to consider what am I putting urgent effort into in my Christian walk today? Have a wonderful day.

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Andrew Reimers

Andrew Reimers, Sunday School Director

Having grown up in a wonderful Christian home, Brother Reimers was saved at an early age. After high school, he moved from Meriden, Connecticut, to attend Golden State Baptist College in 2009. Following graduation, he married his wife Joy and joined the church staff as Director of North Valley Publications and the Sunday School.