I want to ask you a question. Are you right with your Bible? You’ve probably heard it asked before from a pulpit or by another Christian: “Are you right with God?” And that’s convicting, but the thing about the question is, it leaves a lot of room for private interpretation. Somebody says, “Well, I’m not like that person, so I feel like I’m right with God.” I don’t want to ask that. Today, I want to consider this: Are you right with your Bible? You see, you’re not right with God if you’re not right with the Word of God.

In Psalm 1, the Bible tells us how to be blessed. In fact, I have it here before me. It tells us the blessed man delights in the law of the Lord, and in his law doth he meditate day and night. This Bible is actually my grandpa’s Bible. He’s in heaven, but the pages are worn, they’re underlined and marked, and you can tell that he spent time in the Word of God.

Today, people say, “I want to know God. I want to hear from God. How can I know God better?” Well, you’ll not know God outside of the covers of your Bible. God has spoken. He’s given us the Word of God, and our command is to study, not just casually, but to study as a workman. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.

Knowing your Bible, I said, introduces you to God. Also, it’ll help build some walls in your life to keep some bad things out. It gives you spiritual discernment. It’ll help you walk the pathway of life. It’ll help you have a hunger to be spirit-filled. It teaches us about the person of God, the promises of God, the potential prophetic things that we can look forward to. You need, and I need, to have a good walk in the Word of God every single day. Study the Bible. Blessed is the man, what? That delights in the law of the Lord every single day, every single night, morning to evening, and at noon, thinking, meditating, studying the Word of God.

I hope this has been a help to your Christian life today. We’ll see you next time.

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