“Be Careful…But Not Full Of Care”
In this article, Bro. Craig Burcham reminds us that as God’s children, we have no need to be full of care because we have a Father Who cares for us.
To Save Much People Alive
It’s easy to focus our thoughts on our own troubles and trials and forget that others have difficulties as well. In this article, Mrs. Hannah Joy Reimers suggests ways in which we can be a help and encouragement to others.
Living on the Winning Side
Have the difficulties and sorrows of life gotten you down? Does it seem there is no end to your troubles? In this article, Pastor Tom Apusen tells us where to look for encouragement.
Some Few Men With Me
Every man of God faces struggles unknown to others. Bro. Luke Flood encourages us to be a “spring of encouragement and source of strength to our spiritual leaders.”
The Charge of the Light Brigade
“The Charge of the Light Brigade,” one of Alfred Lord Tennyson’s most well-known poems, was written mere weeks after the battle it depicts occurred. The author uses this poem to encourage us to keep on keeping on in the Christian fight.
Dinner is Served
Encouragement comes in many forms–words, notes, gifts, and even food! In this article, the author gives helpful suggestions on preparing meals for others.
Encourage Yourself
The Christian life is not always an easy road, and we may feel tempted to quit when we feel low. What do we do when we want to throw in the towel? The author gives us four thoughts on overcoming challenging times.
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