Don’t Eat Your Seed Corn
The Scriptures are replete with many references to the principle of sowing and reaping. In this short article, Bro. Apusen challenges Christians to sow in God’s harvest field.
“Restart” This Autumn
Regardless of where we find ourselves at the end of each season, we should take careful inventory of our lives and ministries and determine if an area requires restarting. In this article, Pastor Trieber explains how each new season is an opportunity for a fresh, new start in many areas.
Spend Less and More
As we work at spending less money on discretionary items these days, let’s also be willing to spend more in the way of our service toward others.
Living Without Risk
I was reading a book about financial risk management which prompted me to consider an aspect of the Christian life that I believe would be a help to all of us. The book went into great detail about the history of risk and man’s ability…
Are You a Wasteful Steward?
Our current economic times have caused some to reevaluate their priorities when it comes to their finances. Bro. Fred Slye encourages us to identify what is wasteful spending.
Giving When There Is Little to Give
Some may find themselves in a time of financial difficulty during this current situation. Bro. Fred Slye encourages us in having faith in sacrificial giving.
Lay Up For Yourselves
Are you laying up treasures for someone else or for yourself? Pastor Tom Apusen shows us God’s plan for laying up treasures for yourself.
When Financial Trials Come
What are you supposed to do when finances get tight? Instead of trying to figure out what to do on your own, implement these Bible principles in this article; then stand back and watch God be true to His Word.
Saving for a Rainy Day
One area that many people struggle with is saving for a rainy day. If you are like most people, these 10 simple tips will help you save money and help you be prepared for the inevitable “rainy day.”
Christmastime Finances
The Christmas Season can and should be a wonderful time filled with making memories with our families, NOT making mounds of debt for the future; yet 54% of households are still making payments on the debt acquired during Christmas, 11 months later! The author shares some helpful Christmastime financial tips to make this a memorable time for all the right reasons.
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