Call Unto Me
In this video, Pastor Jack Trieber encourages viewers to call upon God in times of need, reminding them of the promise in Jeremiah 33:3 to reveal great and mighty things that they are not aware of. #help4today
Prayer vs. The Backup Plan
Discover the incredible journey of a Christian faced with a desperate situation, who learns a valuable lesson about prayer, trust, and waiting on God. This inspiring article reminds us of the boundless possibilities that come from leaving our problems in God’s hands. Don’t miss this powerful testimony of faith!
Find out how prayer can make a difference in every aspect of your life in this brief video from Bro. Justin Cooper
Some Closing Admonitions from the Final Chapter of Hebrews
The writer of Hebrews closes the book by giving seven admonitions to the Christian. Pastor Justin Cooper shares these commands in this article.
Prayer; the Christian’s Primary Fellowship
Prayer is needed now more than ever. As Pastor Cooper describes in this article, prayer is an awesome privilege but also a command. Have you prayed today?
Three Attributes of an Availing Prayer-Life
There may be certain things that a Christian cannot do, but every Christian can and should pray. Pastor Cooper shares the necessity for an availing prayer-life in this brief article.
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