Nevertheless – Part 2
Do you desire to be an effective soul winner? Read Dr. Hans Nikoley’s lesson on soul winning that our Lord taught His disciples.
Nevertheless – Part 1
Do you desire to be an effective soul winner? In this article, Dr. Hans Nikoley reminds us of a great scriptural lesson on soul winning that our Lord taught His disciples.
Three Truths of Successful Soul Winning
Do you need some help sharing the Gospel? Pastor Cooper presents three truths to help you be a successful soul winner.
Don’t Eat Your Seed Corn
The Scriptures are replete with many references to the principle of sowing and reaping. In this short article, Bro. Apusen challenges Christians to sow in God’s harvest field.
“Restart” This Autumn
Regardless of where we find ourselves at the end of each season, we should take careful inventory of our lives and ministries and determine if an area requires restarting. In this article, Pastor Trieber explains how each new season is an opportunity for a fresh, new start in many areas.
Reaching Everyone
God commands us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel to “every creature.” Bro. Apusen explains how to go about accomplishing that task in this article.
Fishers of Men
Christ’s last act before His death, His last command, and His last prayer were all focused on one task. In this article, Pastor John Evertson looks at being a “Fisher of Men” through the eyes of a fisherman.
Just a Thought on Soul Winning
The subject of soul winning is very easy to receive but a challenge for many to practice. Bro. Alvin Martinez, a fantastic soul winner, shares a quick thought that will help.
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