The Potter’s Hand
What type of clay are you? Dr. Hans Nikoley examines how the Potter works with different types of clay.
Christmas Discoveries
The story of the birth of our Savior is a familiar one to all of us, but in this article Bro. Craig Burcham helps us make some discoveries we may have missed before.
Thou Knowest Not
With all the unrest in our world today, we often wonder just what will happen next. In this article, Bro. Craig Burcham explains how Jesus answered His disciples when they had the same questions.
That’s Not How it Was Supposed to Happen!
Have you ever been disappointed? Have you ever had people let you down or felt that God had let you down? In this article, Pastor Justin Cooper teaches us what to do when we feel let down by man or God.
It Had Been Better
It is human nature to shy away from uncomfortable and unpleasant situations, but is that what we should do? Pastor Tom Apusen gives us the answer from God’s Word.
Sometimes, Time Is The Ticket
It seems life is usually all hustle and bustle, but perhaps now you find yourself with “extra” time on your hands. In this article, Pastor Justin Cooper reminds us of the value of time.
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