Our word of thanks today, in this month of November, is Psalm 136, verse 1: “Oh, give thanks to God for His mercy.” Mercy is His pity toward us, His undeniable love for us. God loves me like I am His only child. I know the Bible says I’m a sinner, I’m an alien away from God by birth. I’m a foreigner, I’m a stranger, I’m an enemy, but in His mercy, He saved me. “Mercy there was great and grace was free.”
Let’s today spend some time thanking God for His mercy. Perhaps you have a strong accordance or some device you can look up the word “mercy” and just think about how merciful God is to us. In our hymn book, there’s that song: “Merciful to me when I deserve to die.” I think of that dear lady who has taken the act of adultery and yet God extended mercy.
It took no more mercy for her than it took for me. Let’s spend the day, on this Thanksgiving month, giving thanks to God today for His mercy.
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Pastor Trieber
Pastor Trieber has served as the pastor of the North Valley Baptist Church since March of 1976. He is also the President of Golden State Baptist College.
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