Being a Sunday school teacher is a tremendous responsibility, privilege, and opportunity through which one can serve the Lord in his local church. It should not be a position that is taken lightly. From the time I graduated out of the church nursery into my first Sunday school class until now, I have been blessed to sit under the teaching of many Sunday school teachers. I have heard thousands of Bible lessons, sung hundreds of different songs in class, and even won a few Sword drills. The things I have learned in Sunday school have helped shape my Christian life. But this would not have been possible were it not for Christians (many of them laymen in the church) who were willing to serve in this important ministry.
As I look back at my time in Sunday school, I cannot help but think of specific teachers that made a special impact on my life. They may have appeared to be just ordinary men, but they were GREAT Sunday school teachers. Though I may only be able to remember fragments of what I learned in their classes, I remember the impact they made on my life.
What were some of the traits of those men? What was it that allowed them to make an impression on my life as an elementary and teenage boy? Here are some common characteristics that these teachers possessed:
1. Faithfulness
The word faithful has been defined as “reliable or dependable.” Through the ups and downs of life, these men were consistent Christians. They taught weekly while I was in their classes, but then they continued to teach for years, and in most cases decades after I graduated from their classes. Their regular Christian lives validated the lessons they taught.
2. Heart
A genuine care for their students was a common denominator in these men’s lives. They exemplified Jude 22: “And of some have compassion, making a difference.”
3. Loyalty
A Sunday school teacher is an extension of the pastor and thus should mirror the pastor’s philosophy and direction, not only in the lessons he teaches but also in the life he lives. I am thankful for Sunday school teachers that taught the Word of God and pointed me to follow the leadership of our pastor.
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Andrew Reimers, Sunday School Director
Having grown up in a wonderful Christian home, Brother Reimers was saved at an early age. After high school, he moved from Meriden, Connecticut, to attend Golden State Baptist College in 2009. Following graduation, he married his wife Joy and joined the church staff as Director of North Valley Publications and the Sunday School.
Wonderful lessons for me as a Sunday school teacher, may God bless you so much, am Johnstone Olenge Obinda from St Mathew cathedral of the Anglican church of Eldoret diocese, Kenya.
Am blessed to have captured rich and vital teachings about being a role model Sunday School teacher impacting the lives of the children.