Sometimes things just don’t add up in the Christian life, as the poem below illustrates. Who can explain the blessings of God upon those who faithfully tithe? If the statement “ten minus one equals more than ten” does not make sense to you, maybe it is because you have never proven God in the area of tithing. For those who faithfully tithe, it is easily understood. We cannot always explain how God takes care of those who faithfully tithe, but we can always explain that He does.
Ten minus one equals more than ten
When the tenth is given to Him.
Ten minus one equals more than ten;
To withhold it is a sin.
Ten minus one equals more than ten;
Do you give it every week?
Ten minus one equals more than ten;
Tithe if God’s blessing you seek.
Ten minus one equals more than ten;
Into the storehouse it all should go.
Ten minus one equals more than ten;
Give it and watch it grow.
Ten minus one equals more than ten;
Would a man rob God of His due?
Ten minus one equals more than ten;
The commandment to tithe applies to you.
(Author Unknown)
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Fred Slye, Business Manager
As a single military man, Brother Slye began attending NVBC. Not long after, he was married, and in 1985 he came on staff as the maintenance director for the church. His responsibilities have varied over the years. For the past many years, he has served as the business manager, overseeing the finances for this entire ministry.
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