Our annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference is right around the corner, and we are in the final stages of preparing to host hundreds of delegates. It is not too late to make plans to attend this year’s meeting.

There are several reasons why I believe it is vital that we have meetings like this in our generation:

  1. It is very obvious that our world is waxing worse and worse. I believe the Lord is soon returning, and we don’t have forever to do something of eternal value. We must get to work now!
  2. Let me stress the need for revival in our hour. With the increase of sin and the diminishing of spiritual things in our nation, I am convinced that it is now or never in the area of revival.
  3. Strong, scriptural, and steadfast local churches are needed now more than ever! In these days of meetings, I believe God will use our time together and sessions to better equip us to serve Him and His people through our local churches.
  4. We need this meeting to encourage one another in the faith.

Not everyone has changed. Not everybody has compromised. You are not the only one walking in the old-time way, and neither are we! We are in this thing together. Come to Camp Meeting for the fellowship and encouragement!

We have a powerful lineup of preachers for each service and a long list of seasoned instructors who will be teaching practical sessions through the days on Tuesday and Wednesday. I am praying that you will be a part of this year’s meeting and come and see what God is doing at North Valley! See you soon! 

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