As we continue our study of the minor prophets this week, we’re looking for those familiar truths from these somewhat forgotten texts. Today we find ourselves in the book of Amos.

God raises up Amos to deliver a message to the northern tribes of Israel. Israel is at a time of great fortune, great prosperity. It seems as though everything is great for this nation. But God sends a messenger by the name of Amos to tell them that their wickedness is in abundance and that their sin will be judged.

The interesting thing about Amos is that he is not really a priest. He comes from no great line. The Bible calls him a herdsman. In modern terms, he’s simply a cowboy, if you will. But God sends him to deliver this great message of judgment to his people.

I don’t know about you, but often times when the Holy Spirit puts things on my heart, it seems a little beyond my comfort zone. It seems a little difficult at times, but here’s the truth: If God can call a herdsman, a cowboy, and equip him to become a prophet, then whatever God is calling you to do today, God can equip you to do it. Hopefully this familiar truth will be a help for you today.

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Emory Fuller, GSBC Activities Director

Emory Fuller is a faculty member for Golden State Baptist College, heading up all of the activities and much of the intramural sports. His wife, Jein, serves alongside him in the church Media Department.